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Monday, January 4


My very first post was back in September 2013, and as I glance at the date in the corner of my laptop screen, I cannot believe that that was only 2 years ago. I feel like I have been blogging my entire life, and that it is and always will be a part of who I am. But for now 'Swatches the Blog', as it is, will be put aside in place for new ventures.
I have never monetised my blog and I've never made a single penny from it. But that's not what blogging was about for me. It was an outlet. It was somewhere I could focus my attention away from deadlines and tasks that I forced myself to do, somewhere I could use my creativity in photography and writing, but most importantly somewhere that was solely, completely, and entirely positive.
Sadly, blogging for me has slowly moved away from being a hobby, and closer towards a stress trigger. But, whilst this post has taken a rather sour turn, I don't intend to put a Debbie downer on your day. Taking a break from blogging is going to allow me to do a better job in completing my A levels and could therefore leave me in a better position for the next 5 years of my life. 
It's likely that in those years, I'll return to blogging, maybe not on Swatches, but perhaps in a different format. My point is, this isn't the end, this is the beginning of not just new aspects of life, but better aspects of life.
Thank you to everyone who has supported me and this blog at any point during the last couple of years, it's been an absolute blast. x


  1. I understand completely what you mean, I've been blogging for just over a year now and it feels like a lifetime because once you start blogging your mind changes and you see things in a completely different way, mostly seeing them and thinking 'I NEED to write about that' or 'wheres my camera!'. I took a few weeks off here and a few weeks off there when I reached a peak of stress during my A Levels, and even just a week off blogging made me feel super guilty but my results reflected the fact I'd put all my focus into studying so it wasn't to bad after all. Breaks are good things, and definitely shouldn't be viewed as bad in this industry. Sometimes I feel like it can be so competitive in this industry to the point where if you do take time off your competition can get a head of you and you can miss a lot things. But I say to hell with that, enjoy your break and good luck with your A levels!

    Sending love from <3

    1. This is exactly how I feel! Thank you so much, Jess x


Please leave a comment - I reply to all of them :)

Monday, January 4


My very first post was back in September 2013, and as I glance at the date in the corner of my laptop screen, I cannot believe that that was only 2 years ago. I feel like I have been blogging my entire life, and that it is and always will be a part of who I am. But for now 'Swatches the Blog', as it is, will be put aside in place for new ventures.
I have never monetised my blog and I've never made a single penny from it. But that's not what blogging was about for me. It was an outlet. It was somewhere I could focus my attention away from deadlines and tasks that I forced myself to do, somewhere I could use my creativity in photography and writing, but most importantly somewhere that was solely, completely, and entirely positive.
Sadly, blogging for me has slowly moved away from being a hobby, and closer towards a stress trigger. But, whilst this post has taken a rather sour turn, I don't intend to put a Debbie downer on your day. Taking a break from blogging is going to allow me to do a better job in completing my A levels and could therefore leave me in a better position for the next 5 years of my life. 
It's likely that in those years, I'll return to blogging, maybe not on Swatches, but perhaps in a different format. My point is, this isn't the end, this is the beginning of not just new aspects of life, but better aspects of life.
Thank you to everyone who has supported me and this blog at any point during the last couple of years, it's been an absolute blast. x


  1. I understand completely what you mean, I've been blogging for just over a year now and it feels like a lifetime because once you start blogging your mind changes and you see things in a completely different way, mostly seeing them and thinking 'I NEED to write about that' or 'wheres my camera!'. I took a few weeks off here and a few weeks off there when I reached a peak of stress during my A Levels, and even just a week off blogging made me feel super guilty but my results reflected the fact I'd put all my focus into studying so it wasn't to bad after all. Breaks are good things, and definitely shouldn't be viewed as bad in this industry. Sometimes I feel like it can be so competitive in this industry to the point where if you do take time off your competition can get a head of you and you can miss a lot things. But I say to hell with that, enjoy your break and good luck with your A levels!

    Sending love from <3

    1. This is exactly how I feel! Thank you so much, Jess x


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